What Makes a Great Bartender?

Learn about the essential skills needed for bartending success: memory, communication, organization and friendliness.

What Makes a Great Bartender?

If there's one thing that makes a successful bartender, it's having a good memory. They hone their short-term memory by recalling drink orders, the ingredients of specific cocktails or drinks, or the names of craft beers. Bartenders also sharpen their long-term memory when they remember regular customers and greet them by name. A professional bartender must be knowledgeable in their trade.

We have expert mixologists who are well-versed in common and not-so-common cocktails, and are always happy to provide great recommendations that pair well with your food. A great drink can enhance a good meal, and a great bartender will know how to create an unforgettable experience. In addition to being able to mix, serve and pour beverages, bartenders need a variety of skills to do the job successfully, including communication, customer service, decision-making, and interpersonal skills. Bartenders' earnings in the United States typically include a combination of salary and tips from customers.

A great bartender greets every customer with a greeting and a smile, even if they can't serve the customer right away. A good bartender keeps a close eye on who ordered what, who paid and who is still waiting for a drink. Assaggio's bartenders are the best in Boston, with bright, stellar personalities and years of cocktail experience. While some higher-paid bartenders graduate from cocktail school, most learn on the job or following an experienced bartender.

In addition, a bartender must be able to serve intoxicated customers and decide how to handle the situation. Staying relaxed and with a calm demeanor allows our bartenders to maintain an open approach and be prepared to handle any issues that may arise. Being a bartender can be rigorous, but it can also be one of the most fun careers available in the foodservice industry. Bartenders must be able to spend their shift standing, walking and standing while preparing drinks and serving customers.

Be sure to listen carefully to what each customer says; that's what makes a good bartender great. Finally, bartenders should ensure that the bar is stocked by restocking items (such as alcohol bottles, ice, fruit for decoration, etc.) A great bartender maintains all of the above qualities: memory, communication, organization and friendliness, regardless of the pressure placed on them.

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